Victoria Chylek
Managing Lawyer and Director
Victoria is delighted to assume the role Managing Lawyer and Director of Authors Legal since its incorporation in 2021. She has over 17 years’ experience working in private legal practice and in-house in NSW, including as a senior lawyer at DLA Piper and entertainment law firm, Simpsons Solicitors. In 2017 Victoria formed her own sole practice focussing on commercial dealings in the philanthropic space. Victoria is passionate about assisting not-for-profits and registered charities including the ASA and, for over 5 years, Cancer Council NSW Pty Ltd where she still assists as in-house counsel and volunteer lawyer.
Victoria has considerable experience advising authors and publishers on their legal issues. She has drafted template publishing agreements for many Australian publishers and advised extensively on copyright issues. She has been involved in high profile book and music publishing litigation in the Federal Court of Australia and advised Australian publishers on legal issues facing the industry.
Over the years Victoria has legalled innumerable manuscripts and provided pre-publication reviews and has acted in defamation and contempt of court litigation on behalf of publishers, creators, and defendants.
She is also a prolific reader, a pragmatic and approachable lawyer and passionate about supporting the Australian creative and charitable industries.